Suchergebnisse für: melanoma

Hidvégi M, Rásó E, Tömösközi-Farkas R, Paku S, Lapis K, Szende B (1998): Effect of Avemar and Avemar + Vitamin C on tumor growth and metastasis in experimental animals. Anticancer Res. 18:2353-8.
Hidvégi M, Rásó E, Tömösközi-Farkas R, Szende B, Paku S, Prónai L, Bocsi J, Lapis K (1999): MSC, a new benzoquinone-containing natural product with antimetastatic effect. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 14(4):277-89.
Demidov LV, Manziuk LV, Kharkevitch GY, Artamonova EV, Pirogova NA (2002): Antimetastatic effect of Avemar in high-risk melanoma patients. 18th UICC International Cancer Congress.
Demidov LV, Manziuk LV, Kharkevitch GY, Pirogova NA, Artamonova EV (2008): Adjuvant fermented wheat germ extract (Avemar) nutraceutical improves survival of high-risk skin melanoma patients: a randomized, pilot, phase II clinical study with a 7-year follow-up. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 23(4):477-82.
Voigt W, Mueller T, Jordan K, Reipisch F, Nerger K, Schmoll HJ (2009): Promising cytotoxic activity profile of fermented wheat germ extract (Avemar) in human cancer cell lines . Eur J Cancer. S7:110.
Mueller T, Voigt W (2011): Fermented wheat germ extract - nutritional supplement or anticancer drug? Nutr J. 10:89. (6 pages).

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