An orally applicable fermentation product of wheat germ containing 0.04% substituted benzoquinone (MSC) was invented by Hungarian chemists under the trade--name of AVEMAR. The following biological effects of this product were observed. Oral administration (3 g/kg body weight) of MSC enhances blastic transformation of splenic lymphocytes of mice. The same treatment shortens the survival time of skin grafts in co-isogenic mouse skin transplantation model, which points to immune-reconstructive effect of MSC. Highly significant anti-metastatic effect of MSC was observed in three metastasis models (3LL-HH, B16, HCR-25). The antimetastatic activity of MSC--besides the immune reconstitution--may also due to the cell-adhesion inhibitory, cell proliferation inhibitory, apoptosis-enhancing and antioxidant effects, which were also observed in our in vitro experiments. Based on the biological effects of MSC--which is non-toxic, according to subacute toxicology studies--this product may be used as an adjuvant in the therapy of malignant neoplasia and other diseases caused by or following immunedeprivation.