Search results for: Center for Autoimmune Diseases, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, The Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel- Hashomer, Israel

Ehrenfeld M, Blank M, Shoenfeld Y, Hidvégi M (2001): Avemar (a new benzoquinone-containing natural product) administration interferes with the Th2 response in experimental SLE and promotes amelioration of the disease. Lupus. 10:622-7.
Bálint G, Apáthy Á, Gaál M, Telekes A, Resetár Á, Blazsó G, Falkay G, Szende B, Paksy A, Ehrenfeld M, Shoenfeld Y, Hidvégi M (2006): Effect of Avemar - a fermented wheat germ extract - on rheumatoid arthritis. Preliminary data. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 24:325-8.

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